The west coast's largest Green Waste Processor, TVI [Tierra Verde Industries] had a dilemma: after 45+ years of being located in the center of Orange County California in the City of Irvine their lease ran out. Proximity to their customers is critical for their business model. Unfortunately, Irvine and the surrounding communities are comprised entirely of upscale housing, prestigious office parks, and high end retail malls. There was no place for a 60 acre waste processing facility except the Orange County Great Park. A 400 million dollar project to turn the former El Toro Marine Base into one of the largest Parks and cultural centers projects in the US. However, the park was zoned for residential, recreational and cultural use only.

As one of the earliest recyclers in the nation, TVI was always encouraging more public education on environmental responsibility. Our solution was to direct the focus or the project on its environmental educational role. We re-branded the project the TierraVerde ECOCentre and completely redesigned the function of the project making the green waste processing just one of many environmental operations that would be highlighted at the Great Park's new environmental educational center.

Our tasks included the strategy, naming and brand creation, site designs, signage system designs, exhibition concepts, design and execution, marketing and presentations as well as recruiting strategic alliances from numerious environmental, cultural, educational institutions and companies.

Strategy, Naming, Branding, Facility Design, Presentations, Web Design